Thursday, October 18, 2007

There are times

It is funny how different things strike you. Diane was speaking to one of our members here at Livonia just inquiring if they were okay since they weren't at worship on Sunday. She was told they had been very tired from things on Saturday and had decided to sleep in on Sunday. I guess I just didn't expect that of this particular person. The result was I told Diane I was ready to go back to Africa. It is just discouraging to see how low a priority so many Christians in the United States place worship and Bible study. If that person had said they were sick, or their children were sick I wouldn't have thought about it. Maybe I shouldn't judge fatigue as an illegitimate excuse but it did hit me wrong.

I don't know that I'm ready to run away to Africa over this. There were plenty of problems there, Christians who were not very committed, but I also saw a lot of enthusiasm for God and for his word. Just as people are hungry physically in Africa there is a spiritual hunger that makes them want to study God's work, want to know what God wants in their lives. It seems that people in the US are bloated not just with fast food but everything that fills up their lives and leaves little space for God.


Joshua and Julie Marcum said...

I was ready to move back to Africa the other day too. I put in the tape made by the young adults group and the pure joy of their singing struck me. Seems like some other cultures - US or here - miss that part of worship.

Campbell Family said...

Dad -- I am so glad you are back in Blogland after a long hiatus. I am one of those who checks regularly, although I was beginning to give up on ever seeing another post! We think of you and are praying for you during this stressful time. -- Laura

Cheryl said...

Glad you are blogging again...
And as to running off to Africa...Our guest room is always ready and waiting!