Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Break from Preaching

The previous two Sundays we have had guest speakers at Livonia. On August 13th Drew Fralick preached and gave a report about a mission survey trip he took to Peru and Bolivia. On August 20th I prevailed on Matthew to preach. He is pictured here with his grandparents Dean and Ruth Clutter of Coldwater, Michigan. Dean is approaching 60 years as a gospel preacher. I believe this is the second time Matt has preached at Livonia and he did an excellent job both times. While he is on a different career path than full time ministry I know that he will be blessing the Lord's church through his talents no matter what vocation he chooses. He is returning to Abilene Christian University August 25th for his second year as a political science major. We are proud of the man he is becoming.

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