Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Rusty and Laura Campbell

We said goodbye to Laura and Rusty a bit over a week ago. They returned to Mississippi where they packed a trailer and started the long journey to Portland, OR last Saturday. In a few weeks they will be returning to Japan where they will work as vocational missionaries in Hitachi.

These past three years have been a wonderful blessing. They, along with our other daughter Julie and her husband Josh, have been living in Memphis, TN where the guys have been in school. This has allowed us to see them fairly frequently and to get to know both couples. Laura and Rusty served three years in Japan just after they were married. They have a love for that country and the people there. Their work as English teachers brings them into contact with many different people and allows them to build relationships for sharing the gospel. I am sure the Lord will use them in His kingdom building.

It also gives us an excuse for going back to Japan again. We had such an enjoyable time there and found Japan a fascinating culture. Diane and I continue to be excited to see what God will do through them. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel and make the transition to a new work.

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